☎ +237672683443 / +237677254337
IRES is a major force in increasing Africa's research capacity and scientific productivity.
IRES provides the best educational support to post gradutate students, masters, PhD and medical students, and well established clinical researchers.
IRES reinforces the capacity of clinicians on clinical research and clinical practice while interconnecting researchers, teachers (lecturers), students and innovators in Cameroon, low and high income countries.
Members ofour organisation voluntarily undertake to cooperate in the advancement of knowledge and education on clinical research by appropriate means, particularly exchange of information, holding/organisation of meetings and conferences, publication of papers, books journals, the award of prices and promotion of young research talents.
We also maintain the vitality of IRES staff and partners by providing training to all our clinical research professionals inclulding physicians, dentists, nurses, dieticians, epidemiologists, biostatisticians,and informatic specialists,
IRES has a vision of "zero inequalities in access to quality health care services in resource constrained and vulnerable communities". This vision is supported by a mission to continually generate ideas that will lead to informed decision and informed evidence, as well as policy to ensure that there is continuous change in terms of addressing the variants that continue to inhabit access to health care and health services.
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